Acertijo diario: Esta bandera tiene dos picos y un sol saliendo por encima de ellos. ¿Puedes nombrarlo?

Flag Match FAQ

Flag Match FAQ provides answers to frequently asked questions about Flag Match. If you have any questions that are not covered here, feel free to reach out to us using the Feedback form on the right or at the bottom of your screen.


Q: How can I complete the game faster?

Players can complete Flag Match quickly by knowing the flags and their positions. Flag Match is designed to be challenging, but it's not impossible to complete it quickly.

Q: I can beat Flag Match by memorizing last matched card positions. Isn't this cheating?

This does give you some advantage over other players who haven't discovered this trick yet. However, this is not considered cheating. You can beat Flag Match by memorizing the last matched card positions, but people who truly know the flags can beat you by answering faster.

Flag Match is designed to encourage matching different positions. This is achieved by the animation delay. When you make a match, the matched cards are removed with a delay. This delay is enough to check other cards and match them.

While you wait for the new cards to appear at the familiar positions, other players can match the cards in other positions. This is why memorizing the last matched card positions is not a winning strategy.

Q: Why are certain countries/territories included while others are not?

Flag Match doesn't aim to represent all the countries and territories in the world, in a scientific sense. You can watch this video to learn more about what is considered a country:

The short answer is that it depends. We try to include all the countries and territories that are widely recognized as independent states. We also include some territories that are not widely recognized as independent states but have a significant cultural or historical importance.

Q: Instead of the flags I see rectangles. What's wrong?

If you see rectangles instead of flags, this means that your browser doesn't support emojis. This is a common issue on older devices or devices with outdated software. Please make sure that your browser is up to date.

Q: Sometimes, the matching flag for the country is missing. Is Flag Match broken?

No, this is by design. At one given time there might be a missing match. It works this way to prevent people matching the same positions all the time. If all 5 countries always had a match at any given time, then players could just keep matching the same position over and over.

Q: How does someone with fewer matches and less accuracy place before me?

The leaderboard is sorted based on the elapsed time it took to complete the game. In cases where two players have the same elapsed time, the player with higher accuracy is ranked higher. If accuracy is also the same, the player with the longer streak is given a higher rank.

Flag Match is optimized for speed and it support multi-touch. Using a mobile device with a good responsive screen can help you achieve faster completion times.

Q: Is this project open-source software?

No, this project is not open-source software. The source code is not available for download or modification. Flag Match is hosted on a private server.

Q: Sheldon Cooper, is that you?

No, that's not us.